Travel On The Train Is Now Dangerous, At Least 12 Coroner-ridden People On The Train, Tweeted Rail - Bangla Hunt

Travel on the train is now dangerous, at least 12 coroner-ridden people on the train, tweeted Rail

By Bangla Hunt Desk - March 21, 2020

Rail raises fear in Karan panic all over the country. The Railway Ministry tweeted that at least 12 people have visited Corona between March 13 and 16. As a result, you need to be careful.

The Railways tweeted that some people in Karnataka had visited the rail. So if there is a virus infection in your traveling body, you too can become a danger. So cancel the train trip. This will keep you and your family safe.

So far in India, the coroner virus has reached 298. So far the death toll has risen to 4. So this time the tweet of the rail became quite scary. According to railway sources, 8 people visited the train from Delhi to Ramgundam on March 13 with the transmission of the Corona virus and four came from Jabalpur on March 16. All of them had coronary virus infections. Therefore, the train has been asked to cancel the train travel by passengers.

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